Student well-being device-free style

Rafael Angel
February 16, 2023

Well-being became a buzzword during the pandemic.

Returning to school in a face-to-face included a promise: to look after students' health, active life and well-being. How many schools are keeping that promise?

It is sad to see that education suffers from fads that come and go.

We at Bogaerts International School Campus are keeping our promise! We continue to support a learning journey in which well-being is naturally around us, screen free, and away from being just a buzzword.

We are maximizing the power and usefulness of our spaces to provide students with opportunities to socialize and connect. We have implemented extended recreation times and equipped spaces with different tools and materials that allow students to have choice with regards to the way in which they want to spend their personal time. At the time that this blog post is written, a table tennis, a pool table, a board games area, a dodgeball tournament, ultimate frisbee competitions, sodoku corners, chill areas, and a dungeons and dragons club are some of the initiatives that help our primary and secondary students bond and develop relationships.

We believe that initiatives like this truly depict a school's commitment with the community and showcase what can be done when one designs learning for happiness as well.

April 19, 2023

Rafael Angel

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