We are an Eco School - It's official

Gloria Harrison
November 28, 2023

The Eco School Jury has awarded BIS South Campus The Green Flag!!!

Achieving this Green Flag status involved a project to develop a structured and comprehensive approach towards sustainability and environmental education at our South Campus.

The Eco-Schools program, initiated by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), provides a framework for schools to become more environmentally friendly, encouraging sustainable practices, and engaging students in environmental education. (edited)

What does the “Green Flag” mean for our school?

The flag has been awarded for a duration of two years; this will help ensure that we keep up the good work and maintain our ecological status. Green Flag status will also spur us on (encourage us) to start new initiatives and, with the help of the BIS community, teachers and students, find new ways of demonstrating a meaningful commitment to the environmentally responsible management and operation of our school. This work is ongoing; we will continue to instil eco-consciousness into our students, contributing to a greener future and demonstrating a lasting and durable commitment to our shared environment.

Listen here to station BX1 programme Bruxelles vit ! – Labels ecoshools – 22/11/2023 and enjoy the interview of our student, Gaelle.

Bogaerts Eco School is taking a proactive stance in response to the CNN - Call for Earth Day on November 28, 2023, with a series of initiatives aimed at raising awareness and promoting environmental education. The school is actively participating in the global #StandUpForClimate movement, aligning its efforts with the broader mission to address urgent environmental challenges.

The day begins with a compelling talk by Tom Brookes, CEO of the Global Strategic Communications Council and the Meliore Foundation. Brookes, a seasoned advocate for environmental causes, will share insights on effective communication strategies for environmental campaigning, providing valuable perspectives on driving positive change. The afternoon continues with a PYP Campus Clean-Up led by the Eco School Team, fostering a sense of responsibility and connection to nature.

Bogaerts Eco School is encouraging active participation in the #StandUpForClimate movement, culminating in an event on December 1 at 12:30 by the courtyard steps. Students and faculty are urged to engage in various activities, such as designing posters and banners, drawing green circles on hands and foreheads, and capturing moments through photos and videos with the hashtag #StandUpForClimate.

The school is extending an invitation to schools worldwide to join these efforts, fostering collaboration and a united front against climate change. With the global event coinciding with COP28 in the UAE, Bogaerts Eco School aims to amplify the voices of young Belgians, challenging policymakers and citizens alike.

Bogaerts Eco School is registered to participate in the national Climate March in Brussels on December 3, standing in solidarity with other Eco-Schools. The day of action on December 1 not only serves as a platform for sharing messages but also provides educational tools and quizzes on global warming issues, fostering a deeper understanding of environmental challenges.

As Bogaerts Eco School leads these impactful actions, they invite fellow schools and individuals to join hands in building a sustainable future. Through education, awareness, and collective action, the school is determined to make a significant contribution to the global effort to combat climate change.

November 28, 2023

Gloria Harrison

Bogaerts International School